
Preventative Planned Maintenance

All buildings deteriorate over time and with use. Preventative Planned Maintenance (PPM) is a proactive approach to assist in the management and maintenance of a building, allowing scheduled activities to take place in the short, medium and long term, to help preserve the property’s condition and prevent unexpected maintenance and potentially costly reactive works


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A comprehensive maintenance plan is an essential tool to minimise deterioration and to ensure that repairs can be undertaken in a cost- effective and proactive manner.

Masefields building surveyors work with residential block managers and commercial property owners to produce preventative planned maintenance schedules, which can be used to determine future expenditure and to assist in building managers determining service charge forecast for contributing occupiers.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for our surveyors to inspect buildings which have had little maintenance carried out and sometimes an inappropriate repair strategy, which has resulted in a greater level of deterioration than normally expected, leading to increased cost demands in the short term in order to return the property to an acceptable standard.

Key benefits of comprehensive preventative planned maintenance are

  • Compliance with statuary obligations
  • Control over budget expenditure
  • Ability to plan service charges and manage reserve funds
  • Reduce the need for reactive and unplanned maintenance
  • Extend the lifespan of key building elements
  • Maintain the condition, appearance and value of the property

Proactive maintenance is the best way to keep a building in good condition and thereby maintain its investment value.



Get in touch

Please contact us, if you have the seed of an idea or a project to progress, our team of architects and surveyors will be happy to discuss your requirements.

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